Saturday, July 14, 2007

'La bomboniera'

'La bomboniera' can be traced back to the early days of European history when amongst the wealthy aristocrats they were given to celebrate birthdays, christening's & marriages. In their earliest form they were made of gold, precious stones, crystal or porcelain. Even their contents were of great value as sugar was a costly delicacy prized for its supposed medicinal properties.

In the centuries that followed as the cost of sugar reduced and with the mass production of sugared almonds (confetti) 'la bomboniera', in its many forms reached all sections of the populace. Almonds have been given at weddings, to wish the couple health, wealth and fertility for over a thousand years, but not intil the 13th century were they covered with a layer of sugar to become 'confetti'.

Today, 'La bomboniera' under its various local names is given in European & Mediteranean countries. In Italy 'La bomboniera' is an exquisite gift made of lace, net, artificial flowers and ribbon with sugared almonds or chocolate dragees. It can be given as a gift in its own right or used to enhance another gift. 'La bomboniera' is given as a token of thanks and as a gift to celebrate a special occasion from a birth to a diamond wedding anniversary or 100th birthday.

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